My Headlines

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It's been awhile since a new post, however today is a new day.

Tomorrow is likewise a new day, and we should all hope that the chaos amongst the world will begin to neutralize itself shortly.  

For the first time ever, I am going to caution those of you who read this that something altogether new is upon us.  Thinking about the horizon lines of our future, something came knocking upon consciousness itself.  While sitting in deep meditation the Earth spoke of future upheaval.  No more than that really, as these things tend to be, but for the sake of real documentation there it is.  

I haven't had dreams since the visions of Hurricane Rita, and Katrina, prior to that, 911, and once more in my life, the Tsunami that shook the world.  I didn't see these events in themselves, however I gained glimpses of the aftermath in moments which were altogether out of any context I could have understood at the time.  Somewhat like the Nostradamus quatrains, there was no way of knowing what was truly seen.  Not until the actual event, but here is my attempt at honing my own latent talents so as to, hopefully gain better facility in understanding what we are to experience in our fast approaching future.  

Something is to happen which effects a global mindset and that causes us to think about what we really are....that's all I can say at this time..

Saturday, December 02, 2006

We all need a wake-up call, and more importantly, we all need to realize that we have the upper hand if only because of the botched up job our gov't has done as of late. I’m sick of people telling me that we can’t change things, and I’m sick of feeling like I am continually in the dark about what is really manipulating the affairs of our global economy. My loyalty to Freedom and the Values of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness greatly outweigh any previous alignments politically.

To those of you who have difficulty formulating opinions of your own, ask yourself what you want this country to be, and seek out others who feel similarly. The shifting of a new era in human activity is fast approaching, and it seems that we’ve completely lost track of our abilities to foresee the dangers of a future where we are overdriving our headlights. Technology and human understanding is rapidly taking us places we can’t predict, and we have to show the powers that be that we are fully alive, awake, and capable of creating our American Dream!

Please open your minds to new possibilities. Without that ability, you are sorely limited in your ability to navigate the future.


If you have yet to get an opportunity to visit Alex Jones’ web sites, I highly recommend it. Our country is under attack by our so called leaders. Just open your mind, do your own research and I can guarantee you’ll start seeing the atmosphere of American politics in a new light.

We are enslaved; however we're so indoctrinated with gov't limitation that many of us are blind to this current state of affairs. Seat belt laws for instance. Cloaked beneath the veil of protection, these laws are merely a way to increase state revenue while limiting our ability to make choices on our own. It’s only an example, but I think it represents the current American scenario, albeit a simplification.

Forget the old days of freedom, police can do whatever they want through the Patriot Act, and even when police break the law, very little is ever done about it. The terminology surrounding terrorism is fast being utilized to target any citizen who dares practice civil disobedience. There are attempts made to create zones around particular events where our first amendment right are no longer protected, and Britain has already gone through similar steps to prevent picketing within a 1 km radius of certain places.

The power has shifted, and without individuals kicking and screaming for our freedoms, gov't will continue to whittle away at our abilities to make decisions for ourselves.

The American Dream is more and more difficult to take part in. Only the wealthy are free here. All the rest are stuck dealing with the residue of gov'tal abuse of power. The only American Dream left is the one where you start your own company, exploit the tax breaks, and when you get big enough, you're free to be as criminal as you want, with no risk of hard prison time. These are the criminals of the worst kind, because it’s due to the nature of greed, not survival, yet they are softies to the bone. These people are beginning to feel the pressures of an awakening public, and soon there will be a moment in time when the battle fields are revealed and sides will be taken. It's not about saving our America anymore, we've already lost that. It's about saving humanity and the dawning of an age where beings live in concert with true knowledge, nature, and our true selves. The drawing of lines between what’s good for humanity and what’s not is an inevitable result. Which side are you on?…..

You all feel what I speak of in your own way, but the most important thing to realize is that a community of ascended masters has already taken preliminary precautions to protect those of us who understand our humanity. For those who stand firm in their essence and wonder of the realities before them, the universe shall provide. As wild animals live on their instincts, it’s time to use our intuitions to carve out a new time line in human evolution, and to prove once and for all that these men of disgust shall be shivering in a fear altogether different than the fear they’ve tried to instill in us.

What else do I want to say about the coming changes in American life? I guess a better question would be one in which I ask you, the reader, what benefit to any of us poor and struggling individuals has the gov’t provided in the last 12 years or so? It’s all about restriction of freedoms, no broadening of them whatsoever.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

This is something that came out of me at a time when I was really frustrated with the world around me. I wish people could understand that our futures are looking a bit bleak, yet we must come together in harmony to solve our global dilemmas. Please remain open to what you experience here. It is my truth and you don't even have to agree with me. I love you anyway.

Journal entry Nov 27 ‘04

"Today I begin this thought, which began as emptiness, yet potential existed nevertheless. My mind desires expression on ever deeper and deeper levels. The quest to fill minds with thoughts, insights, and yearnings about a future I know to exist, and to gather my musings and communicate to the world, a hopeful existence of fate. We all decide the outcome, but I feel only a few are powerful enough to care. I am one who cares! I wish to help humanity grow in ways never imagined and with that allowing the rest to fall by the wayside. Competition is at the root of all evolution and change is absolute in my world view. Change is absolute in my world view. Yes, I did intend to repeat myself there. It’s so very important to realize the flux and chaos teaming in the fabric of reality itself.

I’m not perfect, and no one is, but to know perfection is possible, and to gather the truths of yourself and work on improving them is possible. I’ve gone through changes that I induced within myself but not by myself. I had help from antiquity, the past, and a God. Which God I still am not sure other than my God, and to relate my knowings to whomever eventually finds this writing is what I desire.

I intend this to be the location of my overflowing emotional intensity to wake the world up. The microcosm and macrocosm are indeed the same, similar or reflective of one another. The reflective element causes communication and no place is distant from another. Non Locality, a principle of science that suggests that at a fundamental level of reality everything is connected to everything else, along with many other magnificent discoveries of physics, not forgetting the quantum facets will change the way we see and interpret the energies controlling our lives.